Thursday, 20 October 2016

A New Horizon

14 - 15 September 2016

I feel like I'm doing something wrong, I mean, at least three women have looked at me with disgust. I'm still confused. Is this some sort of racism?


I found out that my classes can start at 9 and end at around 8pm; which is a bit sad and surprising. Some schedules even have lessons for three hours which is so very confusing. Unless of course they are talking about practicals. "VIETATO FUMARE" is something I see everywhere. Using context, it is easy to guess its meaning, especially with a universal symbol next to it. Have you guessed yet?

It means "Smoking is prohibited". So now I stop to read any other signs that contain "VIETATO". "INCENDIO" means fire, I learned that while standing next to a lift ("Do not use the lift in case of fire" sign).

I did not realize that shopping would be so confusing since everything is written in Italian. I tried my best to buy what I needed by sight and for the rest I used Google Translate. "OLIO" means "oil". I was searching for olive oil and found it as "OLIO D'OLIVA". Can anyone guess what "POMODORO" means? [""You say potaytoe, I say potaatoe, you say tomaytoe, I say "pomodoro"!""]


I went to the library today and found out that there are a lot of books written in English. Honestly, I was a bit surprised considering all the Italian speakers and the number of Italian courses. So, I suppose that everyone knows English but they just don't speak it much?

One library card gets me into all the libraries in Trento! Smart city huh?

I thought that my classes were starting today. So, I found the room where is was supposed to be held and I listened at the door. I thought to myself "If the speaker is speaking in English, then it must be my course!"; I was wrong. I ended up sitting in a conference regarding surveillance and wildlife crossing solutions. I stayed since it was interesting (and in English thankfully) but, I guess my classes will start later....


I feel like I only have a certain amount of courage in a day. Sometimes I use it all up in the morning. I need refills now and then. I was tried trudging up the hill so I took a water break at a beautiful water fountain by a stream (my stronghold)

I found some stuff that my friend had made for me back in India and I immediately put it on my wall! I think of one of my favorite songs when I look at it (Hayden Panettiere - I Fly)

La lai la lai

My view
My backyard! That is La Marzola. I will climb it! 
From my balcony (this green house is very easy to identify)

Beautiful, it is. I am blessed to be in Povo

The streets of Trento city (more on that later!)


I decided to venture out into the wilderness of the mountain around me. I found a path that was hidden from Google (those are my favorite!) I kept climbing and I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I thought about being a prey to some animal and I almost ran to a clearing with the adrenaline rush from the fear. I must just be paranoid. But, I probably scared the animal away (what if it was human?).

I see a path, would you venture in?

I had to look back to see how far I've come (a few meters?)

More path...this is where I felt a presence...

Anyway, I reached the top of something in the clearing and I took a breather as I became aware of my surroundings. The beauty was magnificent! This feeling of accomplishment is worth the fear I felt earlier!

The view from the top! (of something)

I wish I had an orchard...

See that green house? So close to home, yet so far

This mansion reminds me of old movies

Now, to infinity and beyond! (basically till it gets dark)

Here is the love, here is the love...

Oh sun, how we miss you (it's getting chilly now)

It was only dark on one side :P

Such fleeting beauty, a fragile existence

Only in Italy would you find a date in roman numerals (Do you know it?)

And thus, my rejuvenating little trek ended with impending doom (darkness). It felt amazing to know that I know more about the place I live. I hope that I can learn something new every day!

[Thank you all for reading! Please let me know what you think. Remember, I'll be posting every ALTERNATE day now. So, I'll see you soon!]

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